Welcome to TwoDutchSisters!

     We are so excited TwoDutchSisters is live!  This business, co-created by two young teenagers with autism, is an opportunity for the girls to contribute to society, find some meaningful work, and meet new friends.  While we have had many positive experiences on our daily travels, there have been times when some additional understanding, patience, and willingness to look beyond the label would have really benefited Emma and Tessa.  

     The girls have always enjoyed their Dutch heritage, something they really celebrate with my parents, their Opa and Oma. Hence the name, TwoDutchSisters. 

     In our spare time, we love to read, bake cookies, walk, travel, swim, and especially enjoy High Tea.  This business has been something the girls and I have talked about for awhile and we are so excited to start this new adventure in 2020! 

     I would like to express some thanks for help along the way.  First, a big thank you to the talented youth who have shared incredible messages through their artwork to increase social awareness about the individuals behind the label.  Next, a thank you to Mr. Taylor for supporting and sharing Alex's love of art, and so many fun Tessaisms along the way!  Needless to say, we have been talking about starting a small company for a couple of years now and finally got it going with Geoff's encouragement and much needed technical assistance!  Last but not least, to my parents who support and encourage me in everything I do and are most certainly the best Oma and Opa any two Dutch sisters could have.   Thank you!



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